M.E. Retreat
Register Now
Dates :
10th December 2022 , Saturday , 10-5pm
11th December 2022 , Sunday , 10-5pm
Price :
S$1180 ( Before Registration Deadline )
Registration Deadline :
8th December 2022
Your spot will be confirmed within 48hrs after registration and payment.
The Vicious Cycle of “Not Enough”
You may be in sales, marketing, coaching, entrepreneurship, parenting, law, heck!… or even a retiree… As long as you are an achiever and with an ambition, “not enough” would not be an unfamiliar vocabulary.
“Not enough” is a double-edged sword. It pushes us FORWARD to achieve but it can also push us OVER if we don’t. And more often than not, the effects of toiling can still take a toll on the body. Hence, leading us to question… What is the point of it all?
There is meaning behind all the pushing and there are reasons for why we fall over too. And we can decipher those meanings and reasons by knowing how to unravel our own mysteries so that our recurring problems can finally resolve for good.
A Victorious Flow of Abundance
That is why the M.E. Retreat was created for you! A time and place to go on an Inner Adventure, safely and confidently. You will have a guide on this journey who has the ability to help you understand the science and art of human behaviours (it’s more than just a talk on mindset change by the way). Through the experiences, you will discover how your existing brain-body wiring is actually going against you.
Inner Adventure Clue #1: Do we have free will or there is a program running behind?
Your guide for the two days is like a GPS that gives you directions but only better – because he explains and converse, real-time, with you for the things you are going through. Personally.
If “not enough”
- Time
- Sleep/Rest
- Energy
- Opportunity
- Money
- Motivation
are amongst your concerns and you want MORE of it but don’t know how to get hold of it, this ME RETREAT is for you.
Laiden with ample (M)ovement-rich (E)xperiences, you will gain insights, inspirations and learn how to tap into your undiscovered wisdom. Now this is NOT your usual retreat where you get hyped up and feeling good for a short time but cannot deal with what come after the retreat. You will be able to reference the old patterns you become aware of during the retreat and make specific adjustments to your responses and habits in life to give the breakthroughs you need.
In the M.E. RETREAT, the movement experiences engineered to help you expand will uncover
- WHY you keep getting stuck in some areas of life thus believing what you have is “not enough”
- WHAT is truly limiting you
- HOW you can achieve breakthroughs daily
so that you can finally understand how to deal with some of the below you might be currently experiencing
- Anxiety
- Heart palpitation
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of focus
- Chronic pain and aches
- Told you are stubborn very often
- Not included in groups/events
- Being told you are too quick to react or defend
- Not hearing what you should
- People wasting your time
- Slower recovery rate from injuries, aches and pains
- Joint degeneration
- Smoking/drinking/partying more often
- A “healthy” medical report but still feeling the unexplained complaint
- Unfulfilling relationships with your family, partners or friends and so on
Inner Adventure Clue #2: Does every motion we make creates a “comMotion” in our bodies?
The feeling of “not enough” can cause us to do unbelievable things and that means not just the great ones but also the reverse. If you have been applying coping strategies or mechanisms and they have not been working well for you, be curious about Clue #2. This is because the real difference in the efficacy is created by HOW we do something and not just WHAT we do. There is emotional content too. It serves as data. Hence, leading us to… Coping Manners.
Inner Adventure Clue #3: Do you think we can function well if the communication manners between the brain and body is bad?
Drawn from the content of the published book by the facilitator, Flow-The Art of Creating AbunDance, you will learn to embody three key skills:
- Affordability – Knowing how to afford the things you want in life.
- Allowing – The master key that teaches you the art of “letting-go” and “acceptance”.
- Abundance – The source to tap into for dreams to become realities.
so that you can excel in whatever you do, wherever you do it and whenever you want to do it.
Transform your constellation of issues and challenges into a victorious flow of abundance through this interactive, immersive and insightful Inner Adventure this December 2022. As you follow the traces of the clues, you will discover the excitement life will bring moving forward.
Come alive and step into 2023 with your new found confidence. Start taking care of your hearts while fulfilling your innermost desires.
Rekindle Relationships
By first addressing the relationship we have with ourselves, we can then start to revive those relationships that could greatly give new meaning to what we do.
Live Free or Freer
Embark on new experiences without baggage from the past. As you receive the key of "Allowing", you will learn the skills to give and take accordingly. gain that dynamic balance between your Goal-Value relationship and find the centeredness you are seeking. It applies to the peace you are searching for as well between people, matters and what is existential.
Be Fearless or Fear Less
Dissolve the imposter syndrome inside of you. Relook at your worth and be amazed. Learn how to "afford" the things that will help fulfil your achiever's dreams. Step confidently into the future with a more concrete support system that embodies the power from integration. NOW is the best time to design your future.
Access Abundance
No. It is more than money. By learning how to identify your "Source", you can re-source your energy and inspiration. As you see more dots and learn how to connect them creatively and accurately, your power of association begins to expand your paradigm. It offers you greater opportunities for joy, love and fulfilment.
Renew Energy
Transform adrenaline crashes into consistent recharge throughout the day. Apply very specific and powerful somatic movements to hack the brain and harness the energy you need for accomplishing tasks and to spend more time people you love and things you enjoy doing.
192 Waterloo St, #07-03/05, Skyline Building, Singapore 187966
Your Facilitator
Mr Vincent Yong
Somatic Movement Therapist | Movement Analyst | Educator | Author
Cancellation & Refund Policy
Do make sure that you are able to make it for all the dates before registering as there will be no refunds in the event where you are not able to turn up for a session. You can however come for a makeup session when we do the next run. Kindly let our admin know upon registering.
You can wear anything you find easy to move in!
Do bring along a pair of socks, a sweater in case it gets cold, and your water bottle.