Flow - The Art of Creating AbunDance
By Vincent Yong (Author)
Discover the support systems you need, to create experiences that will benefit you in your own dance of life.
“Flow - The Art of Creating AbunDance is not about just having a lot of money and being unfulfilled, unhappy and dissatisfied. It is about mastering the flow in your life, understanding the physical forces of nature and how you play a part in it and begin to direct the elements in your life so that they become aligned with the bigger ideas of life.”
—Ahmad Duranai, Author of The Leadership Zone
How do you feel about your life so far?
Do you want more of something? Are you seeking for direction? Do you regularly feel that everything is hard and draining? Are you often seeking to escape from what you do? Imagine your perfect life now instead. How does it make you feel? What does it contain that makes your heart full and rich? What are you feeling in that body that is living that perfect life? Want more of that?
Learn how to ...
Gain access to your body where the patterns of thoughts and actions are embedded. Create new patterns for your thoughts and actions to expand your capacity. Learn how to direct the Flow in your life to command the AbunDance you get. Imagine your perfect life now instead. How does it make you feel? What does it contain that makes your heart full and rich? What are you feeling in that body that is living that perfect life? Want more of that?
Uncover in these pages...
How can you increase your capacity to accept AbunDance.
Are you truly ready to receive what you aim for in life?
What moves life and everything in it?
How to never let what is meant for you slip away.
How to always make things work for you and be stress free.
Understand Flow and direct the things to where you want in life.
Components of Flow – you need to know these to make life fluid.
Learn to stage your dreams then start to live them real.
Create the synergists for AbunDance in your life.
Discover your unstoppable drive and your soul purpose.
"This book is a misnomer! It should be called Everything there is to life! "
—Berns David Lucanas, author of Time is Up!
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