In the words of Dr Wayne Dyer, in the epigraph to this chapter, abundance is something we ‘tune in to’. If you think of abundance as a resource, then you are on the right track. To get even closer, however, you will have to get to the Source. ‘Re-source’ simply means getting back to that source again. When there is an abundance of something, it means that there is an endless supply of that something. You can imagine a tap as the calibrator that allows you to release what you want from the Source. This act is the ‘re-sourcing’ that reconnects you back to the Source because you merge what was initially inside to what is outside through the release of the valve. The Source is where all things originate. Abundance is the effect of endless supply upon the reconnection to the Source.
Tapping into AbunDance
If being abundant refers to your ability to re-source, then from which source would you be tapping into to fulfil your dream or what you are pursuing now? In short, what would YOU like to have an abundance of? Time? Wealth? Health? Love? Patience? Happiness? Vitality…? From which source would you be looking into, to ensure you are getting your supply of what you want? Is what you are seeking tangible or intangible? Can it be held or touched or it is something you can only experience and feel?
There are those who want material things like cars, houses, money and so on. For others, they may pray for intangible things like longevity, joy, fulfilment and the like. What will serve you daily? What will keep you alive? If you know what you want abundantly, you will have an idea where to look for it. Everything you needed has its roots in where the need came from. Solutions always lie deep within the problem. I will give you a brief example.
When I was studying engineering, I realized I was in the dance studio more than I was in the lecture hall. Upon winning second in a group category of a dance competition, I knew I had to have proper training, but more than that I felt free when I danced. It gave me the breath of life that only one who participates in this art can understand.
Long story short, upon finishing my engineering internship, with one more year to go, I quit those studies and did my dance education full-time. Against all the resistance from my family, friends, financial situation, body type and condition, I persisted with my decision and vowed never to take a single cent from my mother because she was so opposed to my decision. I managed to find the funds to complete my three-year dance diploma training while working, dancing and doing everything I had to do, just to prove I could. Eventually, I graduated with distinction as the first male from the dance faculty among more seasoned dancers. I also graduated as the top student of the year in the Arts College among the other art disciplines. It was a difficult and painful journey, but I did it.
Even though I felt successful, I had had periods where I doubted whether I would survive and pondered where my financial support will come from. Then I realized the concept of abundance is in knowing and not in getting and that took away a lot of fear. What do I mean? Well, for a start, you should know that no one owns money. You can have a bank account with your name on it, but money is really owned by serial numbers that are constantly handed to different people on a daily basis in an ‘exchange’. In order for money to have meaning, it has to leave you or come to you fluidly, or else it would mean nothing. Once you understand this idea, you will begin to see abundance. Because money is everywhere, it is in the basic sense—‘up for grabs’. To be able to grab it, you have to create a value where there is an in-flow of money after someone has received the value you have offered. You will not be able to sustain the getting of something by giving nothing. When you are able to give freely, you will begin to experience abundance and be able to re-source freely. This does not apply to just money. Things like friendship, loyalty, love, care and gratitude are examples of some of the things people would want to have an abundance of. They are quintessential for us to persist and persevere onward.
What are the other basic necessities that you would like to have an abundance of? Where and how are you sourcing them?