If inspiring, educating or leading a team is a role a young leader needs to fulfil, then Embodied Confidence, is a workshop that will sow the seed of charisma. By learning new ways to express yourself from matching tonality in speeches to congruent actions through the Laban Movement System, you will discover what makes a reliable, respectable and responsive leader perceived as so and learn how to do the same. Only requirement for this course: Be very responsible with how these skills are used afterwards.
Learning Objectives
1. Participants will discover the various makeups of confidence.
2. Participants will learn how to make adjustments in their pitch and tone to convey message with confidence.
3. Participants will learn how to hold themselves differently plus move with greater range of expression through Laban Movement System to convey more expressively.
4. Participants will learn how to manage their emotional content through specific somatic movements to keep calm and relaxed.
Booking Enquiries
Contact us at wecare@danspire.com