Communication is the bedrock of all relationships. Especially when working with people. If tasks are taking longer to accomplish and systems are set in place, then leaders would find it essential to tune into the intrinsic communication patterns of the team and also allow the team members to realise this for themselves too.
A breakdown in communication or a misunderstanding arises from incongruence of verbal and non-verbal expression.
In this workshop, participants will discover how to communicate with congruence and mean what they say while saying what they mean.
Learning Objectives
1. Participants will discover how meaning is perceived and transformed in every communication through a humorous learning process.
2. Participants will realise an important reason why their voice and body are not matching and it is causing them frustration in communication. They will then learn how to unlock their ability to enjoy communicating with curiosity again.
3. Participants will learn how to make adjustments to their tone and cadence to express themselves more accurately and artfully.
4. Participants will learn how to induce a more receptive attitude in others through the subtle repositioning of their bodies in relationship to the partner in communication.
5. Participants will learn the art of being authentic communicators to bring more success in what they are seeking.
Booking Enquiries
Contact us at wecare@danspire.com